Twitter illiterate here~~ how do I Delete incoming messages from my message board?

All I see are muting blocking delisting etc no #DELETE what is this madness. What kind of platform does not offer deists option 🤨

I don’t want to block anyone who has caused no harm, and I have no lists. I just don’t want my account cluttered with a bunch of nonsense. Why is there no straight forward delete option. Do I have to close down my entire account just to have a clean message board?

I just wanted to read tweets and see what people are saying about what’s going on. I didn’t join to interact... I don't know why people keep following me 😐🤔 🤷‍♀️
There is no deists button you will have to shit dien account and not allow messages from those you do not follow and then not follow anyone.
You can delete I’ll tell you how
I know you can desire but I don't know how ( should not be confused with “I think maybe you can”)
Not sure but I have no reason to think there is no delete option
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Typos ☝️

Yup I’m not seeing anything new

Mute account
Mute convo
Block account
Remove account
Remove tweet from lists
Report tweet

No delete 😐
Twitter illiterate here~~ how do I Delete incoming messages from my message board?
9 Opinion