As a beginner Gamer, which store should I go for, Steam or Epic?

I want to start my Gamer experience soon and I just wanna be sure about ONE store. Should I go for Epic or Steam?

Also, if you can spare me some time, can you give me reasons, why I should and/or shouldn't for that store?

Thank you from advance!

P. S: I got myself an Epic account and a free GTA V Premium Edition back in May 2020 thanks to the news I heard from my friend but my semi-POTATO laptop can't handle it! 😅😅😂😂

Steam Store
Epic Games Store
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1 y
Thank you so much for the comments, everyone. Everyone saying Steam so I guess i will go with it but also keep an Epic Games account too maybe for weekly free games like I got GTA V so yeah. Thank you all once again!
1 y
Shit, i dont know who to give the MMO
As a beginner Gamer, which store should I go for, Steam or Epic?
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