Will a CB SWR meter work on a 2 meter ham radio?

Will a CB SWR meter work on a 2 meter ham radio?

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1 y
The term "SWR" means standing wave ratio. An "SWR" meter is used to measure how well the transmit power signal emitted from a transceiver (radio) is traveling through the antenna system into the atmosphere. Checking and setting the antenna SWR is critical to overall performance of transceiver (radio).
1 y
I use a CB SWR meter to check 2M antennas all the time. There is a trick to it however.

If all you want to to is check SWR on your 2M antenna, you don’t necessarily have to buy a dedicated VHF/UHF SWR meter. What I keep in my toolbag for that is a cheapie $5 hamfest special CB SWR meter. They really don’t work well on 2M but there’s a trick you can do that will net a reasonably accurate SWR reading on 2M with one of these meters. What you do is connect up the meter as usual,
Will a CB SWR meter work on a 2 meter ham radio?
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