What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?

What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?

Store the Emergency Number(s) for the Country You're Traveling in in Your Phone

What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?

Make a habit of googling the numbers and saving them in your phone every time you land, even if you're only going to be in the country for a few hours. You never know what's going to happen. It's better to be safe than sorry!

Most of Europe - 112

UK and Hong Kong - 999

North America, Barbados, Canada and Bahamas - 911

New Zealand - 111

Australia - 000

Japan – 110 for police, 119 for ambulance and fire service

Brazil – 190 for police, 192 for ambulance, 193 for fire

China – 110 for police, 120 for ambulance, 119 for fire

Get A Power Plug Convertor

Find out ahead of time if you need a power point convertor for any of the countries you're traveling to and try to stash away a spare if you have the space!

Learn Common Phrases of the Local Language

What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?

A simple “Please,” “Thank you,” and “I’m sorry” in the local language goes a long way. Also try to learn common foods and items you do and don't need/like or that you're allergic to.

Always Buy Travel Insurance

What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?

A medical emergency can wipe out your savings (or even put you in debt) so it's better to be safe then sorry.

Stash Extra Cash

What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?

Cash is king around the world. To cover your ass in an emergency, make sure to stash some in a few different places. I recommend at least a couple hundred dollars worth. If you lose your wallet, your card stops working or your bag gets stolen you’ll be glad you did.

If you want you can also keep a notebook with exchange rates of common amounts (e.g. for $1, $2, $3, $5, $10 and $20) so it's easier for you to understand and work out how much you're spending.

Make Photocopies of Important Documents

What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?

Usually if you have a copy of your passport (or whatever document you need; if it's something like a birth certificate you'll need photo ID too so it's good to have a copy of a licence too) and extra passport photos you will usually still be allowed to travel.

What Are Your Tips For People Traveling Overseas?
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