Would you buy a house in Erbil Iraq?

Would you buy a house in Erbil Iraq?
Would you buy a house in Erbil Iraq?
Would you buy a house in Erbil Iraq?
Pros- some of the nicer houses cost around $10,000-$30,000 us dollars,
no property tax on your house, overall you pay a lot less taxes, cheap good food around your house and most stores are always near by and cheap water bill and no curfew even for kids.
cons- hot weather most of the season, you pay electric bill and you still don't get 24 hour electricity, good chance of sandstorms, scorpions, cockroaches, and big beetles are native to Iraq. No car insurance, house insurance or insurance of any kind.
The city is literally like a stadium.
Yes I would the pros out weigh the cons
No I wouldn't explain why
I hate Iraq without because I am ignorant and believe everything the media tells me.
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Would you buy a house in Erbil Iraq?
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