3 mo

I don't know what do this summer and I need help deciding?

So recently my school gave me the option to go to an all expense paid for trip to China which honestly seems like an amazing offer. However the only catch to this trip is that you’d be helping teachers teach kinds at a summer camp English which I honestly don’t mind. I’m doing a study abroad in August and before I go I wanna make some more money and take some cute pics on vacation. My family is going to is going to Algeria, France, and possibility Uganda. Again yet another amazing opportunity but I don’t know that to choose. Ik that I’ll never get another free trip to China and I’d have more freedom traveling with my parents and going to 3 places. I don't know what to do and I’d like some opinions. In China I’d live with a host family and with my family I’d get to live in the homes we own. Also I wouldn’t have to worry about how I dress with my family during summer but in China I would because for one I’d be around kids most of the time and two because it’s just be awkward. Then again I’ve always wanted to go to China and it’s not like I’ll never go but I doubt I’ll ever get the opportunity to go for free again. Pls help!!!
Go to China on school trip
Go to Algeria, France, and Uganda with family
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I don't know what do this summer and I need help deciding?
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