The importance of Energy Conservation


Energy conservation is an EXTREMELY important issue, NOW as ever, as we continue using fuels, uses that dismantled the fuel called hydrocarbons, with less and less remaining. not only fuelled cars but also to make electricity for our COOLING in summer.

The importance of Energy Conservation

in u.s. now is hot summer. so now is the time for a reminder.

in the past this was not emphasized until a crisis. during the 1970s, U.S. responded to an oil embargo, by trying to reduce dependency on imported oil. Energy conservation was promoted.
even fiction at the time, 1977, bothered to mention and MOTIVATE Energy conservation, for fictional reasons, for example in 1977 series tabitha, mentioned
energy conservation in a story context about raising public awareness. this preserved the contemporary emphasis. the production had a guy claim, "the planet will be as dry as a bone of oil in 30 years". the story told about the DESIRE to cause public awareness as i am trying now. why was this emphasized back then?

the historical context was the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) announced an oil embargo during 1970s, against several countries, including the United States, to hurt it for supporting Israel.
The oil embargo's effects exposed some vulnerabilities, including the U.S. dependency on foreign oil. U.S. energy policies changed, by encouraging domestic energy production, and storage in addition to encouraging conservation. script writers in entertainment mentioned the issue, as above.
despite now we are not motivated by crisis i still make a fuss: my opinion is this is still important. the MAIN benefit of the global warming idea (whether it is myth or not,) is providing RICH people with a reason to "turn the kitchen light off" reference annie 1982.
consider if i can afford a giant electric bill i dont care how much electricity i use for cooling and lighting my home, but this idea still provided an excuse beside money to limit use.
we should all plan and limit energy usage by balancing between the bad extremes: "no cooling in summer" which is not appropriate, to the extreme "careless and thoughtless usage" by finding balance.

The importance of Energy Conservation
5 Opinion