Part 3: I've Got My Receipts. Do You Have My Apology (If Applicable)?

Hello GaG. Long time, no chat. I haven't been around for the last few months because I've been extremely busy with work and life. Now for the main event:

Well well well. Seems to me that a while back I was pretty damn correct about a great many things. Of course, Communist China has to do their best to deny reality while also subtly threatening people (also known as just a regular business day for the Communist China government):

The receipts, for your viewing pleasure:

Jack Dorsey And Mark Zuckerberg May Indirectly Have Blood On Their Hands From The Millions Of Covid Victims Worldwide. Here's The Reasons Why:

Part 2, Since You Can't Update MyTakes: Should Dr. Anthony Fauci And Bill Gates Be Added To A List Of People Who May Have Covid Blood On Their Hands?

Why Are Communist China And The Diet Soviet Union Such Violent And Terrible Countries?

As always, enjoy and comment below! Also remember this... even though I may go on a sabbatical from GaG every now and again, I will ALWAYS be a pillar in this community and morale for the masses! 👍😉

Damn. It seems like you were right, and I apologize.
Damn. It seems like you were right, but I'm not going to apologize.
You were (and still are) wrong. Also, I'm a Chinese Bot built by 9 year olds.
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More documentation to back up my receipts:
Part 3: I've Got My Receipts. Do You Have My Apology (If Applicable)?
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