Mistakes People Make In Dating; Part One

Buying Gifts To Try to Get Him/Her to Like You More

Mistakes People Make In Dating, Part One

Gifts simply won't make ANYONE more attracted to you. Period.

At best, it may make them appreciate you slightly more, but it certainly won't trigger ATTRACTION in a man/woman.

I know it seems natural to buy gifts for people you like, but in most cases, if you buy a man/woman gifts when you are dating; you are focusing on the wrong thing.

Buying a man/woman a gift might make him think you're "sweet", but it will work against you if what you want is a man who is in love with you and devoted to you.

In most cases, buying a gifts sends this message:

"I don't really think you will like me for who I am, so I will try to buy your affection and attention with my gifts..."

You just simply cannot buy your way into a someone's heart. In fact, it will do you a lot of harm instead. It will give him/her the idea that you are so desperate because you have no one else interested in you.

So, definitely, take my advice, don't buy him/her any gifts to try to get him/her to like you more, or to try to get him/her to think you're "thoughtful" and "caring" and "sweet".

It simply won't work and will almost certainly backfire on you.

People don't fall in love with you because you able to buy the right gifts for him.

Projecting Poor Confidence, Low Value Body Language

Mistakes People Make In Dating; Part One

Let me ask you this... have you ever seen someone at a bar or on the street, and you just KNEW that he or she was feeling insecure, and lacking in a lot of confidence?

Now, how did you know? My guess is that you figured it out through their body language.

Believe it or not, your body language says MORE about the type of person you are, and how much of a quality 'catch' you are, than any combination of words that you can put together and articulate.

Research has shown again and again that over 50% of all communication is through our body language. So what does your body language really say about you? What does your body language COMMUNICATE to others?

If you are habitually looking down, or find it hard to look at a someone straight in the eyes, then you're probably also showing a lot of other "bad" body language.

Confident is a turn on. Insecure people find it hard to even get a man's/women's attention to start with.

Here's the more dangerous problem...

If you show through your body language that you are a woman/man who has no confidence, no self esteem or self worth, then men/women will automatically and subconsciously be turned off you. And they will also disqualify you as good "girlfriend/boyfriend" material.

I really want you to understand this. Even if he's/she's already in a deeply committed relationship with you, he/she will still lose his attraction for you in that instant if you were to show low self value body language.

But on the bright side, if you presented yourself with confident high value body language, then men/women will be drawn to you automatically.

So really pay attention to, and master your own body language. This is one of those silent killers that don't always come up to the front of your mind, but will sabotage your love life like there's no tomorrow.

Mistakes People Make In Dating; Part One
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