Things That Will Turn Any Guy Off! Learning How To Date Drama Free

We have all heard the horror stories, the confusion, the insecurities, and the inevitable broken hearts that fall victim to the battle of the dating world.

But right now I'm going to present a way of dating that makes it a little bit easier and quite possibly (holds breath) enjoyable?!!! After all, dating, chasing and falling in love is meant to be fun, right?

Now this article is for chicks, by a chick, but some guys might appreciate what I have to say, so please continue reading on =)

There are a number of ways in which girls can resolve the confusion, insecurity, and venerability that we feel when it comes to dating. So here are some tips which I have discovered from my own experience and from my girlfriends' experiences that we do wrong when it comes to relationships and how we can fix them.

Clingy and Needy

Sometimes this happens at the flick of a switch when we begin to like someone. I find it funny when we are just friends with someone we can act confident, cool and in control but as soon as we like them, all hell breaks loose and we turn into some green eyed monster. So what does acting clingy and needy entail? Calling your boyfriend EVERY time you feel bored, lonely or want to do something. Yes boyfriends are people that you can emotionally lean on, but they are not your own personal oxygen tank!


Some of things that are seen as controlling behavior includes calling him all the time, checking up on him, being uber paranoid that he is cheating on you with another girl, xbox or with another guy. A lot of relationships are built on trust and if you cannot trust him when he is not with you, then you don't have a healthy relationship.

Another controlling thing to do is give him the silent treatment or act bitchy so that you get a certain reaction from him. So instead of communicating how you feel you act up because you want more attention from him. Not good for the relationship and eventually the guy will tire from all the games you are playing with him and eventually call your bluff or give up.

"Don't discuss things like future family vacations while you're casually dating. "

Looking Too Far Ahead

Ok so you have been out on the first date with a guy. Now my next suggestion wouldn't be to start making wedding plans and naming the 6 kids you are going to have with him. Don't discuss things like future family vacations while you are casually dating. I know that being single can feel lonely at times and so when you go on a date with a guy who you think has a lot of potential you start to jump ahead of yourself.

Looking too far ahead can create drama and inevitability result in the guy losing interest in you, because you become way too easy to read. When you are no longer such a challenge to a guy (although guys don't like to admit it) then he is onto the next girl that peaks his interest. Dating is fun, you should be able to enjoy the courting process! Be excited that you don't know where this relationship could end up rather than being upset because your not certain where you stand.

Trying To Change Him

Ok I know this from first hand experience. If you cannot stand something about a guy then simply don't date him, because there is no chance that you are going to be able to change him. You either have to accept him how he is or not accept him at all. There is no such thing as a "fixer upper" boyfriend. Everyone is unique and special in their own way and you just need to find someone who you appreciate their own unique qualities. Not only this, if you try and change a man and ultimately succeed, he loses a sense of himself and becomes unhappy anyways. Plus you lose respect for him, because he wasn't able to stand up for what he is all about.
"There is no such thing as a "fixer upper" boyfriend."
Unless you want to see how quickly a guy will run out the door and leave you standing in the dust, follow these tips on dating drama free! Come from a place of deep self respect and assurance and dating will become a game that is whole lot more fun and drama free.

Hot Alpha Female
What is an Alpha Female and what makes her so special? How does she date her guys and what kind of issues does she have to face? Hot Alpha Female is a blog, dedicated for chicks by a chick. (Although I do get a lot of male readers) We tackle issues of dating, dating and more dating and bring out things that need to be discussed and discuss it!
Things That Will Turn Any Guy Off! Learning How To Date Drama Free
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