"Does He Like Me?" The Definitive Answer Guide

"Does He Like Me?" The Definitive Answer Guide

What you need to ask yourself, and what you need to ask THEM, to answer the timeless question "So...do they like me?"

Is it just me, or is at least one out of every five questions on here "Does he/she like me/are they interested in me?"

It always boggles me that people are asking compete strangers to answer this, when the person they need to ask, is most likely not on this website. (The person they're actually asking about).

Let's just acknowledge that most people who ask this question are looking for responses that support THEIR personal view about whether the person does or doesn't like them.

So, putting that aside, and taking a more objective view, how can we answer this question?

A few simple steps to help you gain perspective, look at the situation in a rational way, and take action that will actually be productive when trying to answer this question.

Before we can answer the BIG question - Do they like me/are they interested in me? You really do need to ask a few other questions first.

"Does He Like Me?" The Definitive Answer Guide

1. Do YOU like them/are YOU interested in them?

ANSWER - Yes. Move to next question.

ANSWER - No. Don't over-analyze something that won't produce valuable or helpful information to your current situation. If you don't like them, what use is it to know how they feel (in this situation)? None, the answer is none.

2. Would you classify your interactions with this person as positive, negative, or nonexistent?

ANSWER - Positive. Would you be confident in saying that the other person also feels your interactions are positive? Yes? Move to next question.

ANSWER - Negative. Would you say the interactions are negative because of how YOU behave, or because of how the OTHER person behaves (i.e. how they speak, their body language, purpose for interaction). Move to next question.

ANSWER - Non-existent. Ah, pretty sure if you have no interactions, they have no opinion of you, and it's very doubtful that they like you.

"Does He Like Me?" The Definitive Answer Guide

At this point it's important to try to clarify if your interactions with them are positive or negative due to how YOU treat them, or how THEY treat you. If you feel your interactions are negative because of how they treat you, it's safe to assume that they don't like you. If you're in denial and refuse to accept that, simply ask them, and see if your dreams come true :D

If you're having positive interactions, you should try to put them in two distinct groups:

3. Could that just be friendly?

I'm talking about - staring, smiling, laughing, sitting next to, touching only briefly, complimenting. These are all gestures that may simply express a friendly nature.

4. Is that clearly a more-than-friends interaction?

I'm talking about - trying to be near you, invading personal space, touching you for prolonged periods of time, using language that is inclusive such as "we should" or "both of us", using sexual language that is suggestive and flirtatious, and obviously - if they TELL you they like you.

So, assuming you haven't asked them, and they haven't told you. Here are your options.

"Does He Like Me?" The Definitive Answer Guide

A) If you have mostly positive interactions, and those interactions seem more-than-friendly, you can either ask them directly (for those with some level of maturity),

B) or you can wait around doodling their name and see if they eventually take action that helps clarify this question, for example, if they ask you out, that answers the question about whether they like you/are interested.

Secret option C) You communicate telepathically while neither of you actually tells the other person how you feel, and then go on IMAGINARY dates as you fulfill all manner of hypothetical fantasies! Yay!

Bonus option D) Skip all this over-analysis and just go ask them how they feel about you, and do they want to go out some time?

SPOILER ALERT: Rejection is not that bad. We don't all have to like the same people who like us, it doesn't mean you are a "poor quality" person, it just means the interest isn't reciprocated for some reason.

"Does He Like Me?" The Definitive Answer Guide
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