Killen' Em Loudly: How to nail your opponents the Trump Way

Step 1: No Reaction. No ***** Given.

Trump doesn't always react well but when he does, he nails 'em. The first and possibly most important step is not get in your feelings about what some random person or even a million random persons say about him. Here's the mindset to click into:

This person doesn't matter enough to take seriously. I'm rich and don't really care how this interaction goes. It could go horribly and I wouldn't care.

Killen' Em Loudly: How to nail your opponents the Trump Way

Step 2: Lull Them Into A False Sense of Security

Next up, you need to make your opponent think you're less capable than you are. There will be time enough to pummel them into a bloody pile while the lights shine down on your gloriousness later on. Here you can use props at your disposal. I'm being bullied. I'm being attacked by a force bigger than myself. I'm just an idiot. I'm not someone to be taken seriously. I can't help that I'm weak.

Killen' Em Loudly: How to nail your opponents the Trump Way

Step 3: Think Critically About What Your Opponent or Someone Your Opponent Admires Has Done Wrong

The next mindset is that of a boxer being pushed into a ring only to then spin around and get their opponent in the corner. You've got them lulled into feeling themselves and now you can counter with a clever distraction. If you cheated on your lover then think of some famous relationship where they cheated but the other person stuck with them. It's not so important that it convince them logically that the comparison holds up or is even a good example. It's just important because it distracts them from remembering that there issue is with you, not them and even if it is similar or the same it doesn't excuse what you did. No, you've got their mind on something else and now for the final blow.

Killen' Em Loudly: How to nail your opponents the Trump Way

Step 4: Say Anything

Yes the final step is somewhat pointless to explain because the fight is already over. It's like a fighting game where they just let you do some cool finishing move while your opponent just sits there. You can be evil here and hit them with a hard jab in the chest or you can simply move on and pretend as if the conversation didn't happen or you can make them pay for your respect back. The point here is that you've convinced them that you might have a point and be "more right" than they thought you were previously.

Killen' Em Loudly: How to nail your opponents the Trump Way

Note: If you try to use this too many times on the same person, people will realize what you are doing. Yet, simply use above formula to distract them when they try to challenge you on it.

Killen' Em Loudly: How to nail your opponents the Trump Way
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