Who "bad boys" and "nice guys" really are and why girls should recognize and avoid both types of boys

When guys ask girls why they always go for bad boys it's because those guys don't understand who those "bad boys" are and why they are able to succeed in the dating world when they cannot. However, the girls don't actually know who "bad boys" are either. The main reasons girls say they go for bad boys is because the bad boy has "confidence" and doesn't worry about what the world thinks of them. However, when you really look at who this "bad boy" really is you realize that both of those statements couldn't be farther from the truth. If those guys truly didn't care what the world thought of them then why would they go to extreme lengths to appear like they don't care? If they didn't really care why would they have expensive outfits to appear bad?


If they truly didn't care what people thought of them they'd dress like this...

Who "bad boys" and "nice guys" really are and why girls should recognize and avoid both types of boys

This is what a guy who truly couldn't care less about being judged looks like.

The cliche' bad boy will care about what people think of them more than anyone else will. So why do they go to extreme lengths to look as if they were the opposite? To get in a girls pants. Shocking, I know. They put on a fake persona to attract women. It's for this very same reason that they will ditch that same girl not long after. Why would they do that when they worked so hard to get in your pants? Because maintaning that persona only works when a person doesn't get to know who they really are. They leave before they give themselves away in some way and lose the image of being aloof to the expectations of the world. They must do everything they can to maintain their image.

Many girls realize before they even get involved with a "bad boy" that it won't work out in the end. They just want to have a fun and exciting experience. These girls adopt the idea that they should, "date a bad boy now marry a nice guy later." However, if they mean an actual decent man who has a truly good heart and they put the love of their life's problems before their own. These girls are in for a tough lesson. This lessons is usually learned too late for them to correct themselves. Because girls only have experience guys with a "bad boy" persona they have no experience dating a guy who adopts a "nice guy" persona and thus can't tell the difference between an actual manly gentlemen and a "nice guy." So now some people might be asking "aren't those two descriptions describing the same guy?" No, they are completely different. In fact, the nice guy is actually more alike with the bad boy then he is with an actual gentlemen.

"Nice guys" and "bad boys" are actually the same people at their core. They have the same goal but they take two different approaches to getting to that goal. Again, as I have said before, the end goal is to get into a girls pants. People who claim to be a nice guy aren't actually nice by nature. They have watched disney movies and see that to win their way to a girls heart they need to treat her like a queen. They give her all their time to win her affection. They don't actually do all these nice things for a girl out of the kindness of their hearts. They do it in the hopes that the girl will see them as a truly good person and thus have sex with them. A good indicator between "nice guys" and guys who are true gentlemen is when they do something for someone else at their own expense the true gentlement does not ask for anything in return for their good deed. Doing a good deed was reward enough in itself. The "nice guy" will show his true face and become bitter and angry about not being rewarded with a girls love and sexuality for the deed that they tried to do for her. In his mind he just put a down payment for something and didn't get the product in the end. Because in a "nice guys" mind a good deed is a payment for a future reward for themselves. When you see and hear about women who are in abusive relationships and you wonder how they got there. It's because they fell for the "nice guy." She met a guy. He was so nice and did everything for her. She thought he was such a good hearted person. However, he'd have outbursts about how she was unfair every once in awhile when she never asked or demanded he do anything and her not returning the favor with sex immidiately threw him over the edge. But the girl scraped this off as his one minor flaw that showed he was truly human. They eventually get married and he treats her like a queen. But then after awhile when separating or getting a divorce became out of the question he let out the real guy he was on the inside. A selfish prick that wants her to hand over some ass when he says and how he says. If she doesn't comply he gives her the back of his hand. In his mind he had given her a loan of months/years of gentlemen like behavior. Well now he's decided to cash in.

So now girls may be asking "How can I identify a real prince charming?" Simple, through trial and error. That is what the dating world to finding your soul mate is all about. You have to swim through the "nice guy" narcissists to find an actual decent dude. You date you begin to see that a guy isn't who he says he is so you have to break up and start over. There is no "I can change him into a good guy." That never has nor never will happen. They don't want to change. They don't want to equal relationship that you do. But by choosing to go after the bad boy you miss out on the chance to learn how to differentiate between a "nice guy" and an actual man who treats others with respect. However now some girls bring back the brilliant idea that they can simply just "date a bad boy now marry a nice guy later." But when that later eventually does come because you decided to mentally become an adult you now complain "where are all the nice guys?" Simple, they're all around you with a wedding ring on their left ring finger. True gentlemen were able to find a true lady. That lady wasn't you... Those other ladies were mature and recognized a good person when they saw one. They didn't spend their youth trying to have the exciting "experience" of dating a bad boy. They were immidiately looking for that one dude who would make them have butterflies in her stomach every single night they cuddled together. Those actual gentlemen had something neither the "bad boy" or the "nice guy had." Respect for others and respect for THEMSELVES. They weren't going to wait around to have their turn with you. They went and found a lady who was worthy and equal to them in terms of respecting their significant other. They went and found a girl who was mature and didn't see guys as commodities that they'd trade with. Now all these girls who wanted to date bad boys but now were bored of those men and wanted to change their interests to a guy that they'd like to settle down with. You now have two choices of men to settle down with. The "bad boy" who is just going to neglect you or the "nice guy" who you wish would neglect you after he reveals who he is.

So what is the lesson here? Guys learn to have some respect for the opposite sex and don't treat them as pieces of meat that you find interesting ways to screw. Have respect because any respectable lady will sniff you out real fast. Ladies who have the mentality of craving "bad boys" grow up... Because an actual man that is everything you have dreamed about will not put up with your childish behavior nor will they wait years for you to finally want to settle down. If you really want that kind of guy you have to actually actively look for him. This includes bettering yourself as a person because even if you find one that you're attracted to you still have to find a way to convince him that you're worthy of his time.

Who "bad boys" and "nice guys" really are and why girls should recognize and avoid both types of boys

Ladies and gentlemen you need to keep your eyes on the prize.

Who "bad boys" and "nice guys" really are and why girls should recognize and avoid both types of boys
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