Do Guys mind having sex with a girl who has fissure/hammeriods? Please help me?

Okay so im 24 year old female, who has never been kissed, never been on a date, etc etc. ...

now recently very recently iv been seeing a guy That i do like veryyyy much and we have a strong communication and physical attraction.

but the problem is that i know the sex spart will eventually come up... now i have a condition called fissure/hammeriods and its very visble espeacialy if i open my legs you can clearly see it :... im so scared to even thin about having sex with him. Like what if he gets grossed out and dumps me? Oh god 😲...

i thought of surgery but my family tells e to avoid it... so removing it isn't exactly an option atm...
Do Guys mind having sex with a girl who has fissure/hammeriods? Please help me?
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