8 Teachers You May Remember

8 Teachers You May Remember

We've all probably had teachers sometime in our life. And for those of us who are still in school we're going to have to deal with them again in a few short weeks! But before we do maybe we should just look back at some of the cool and more disturbing teachers we've had before.

1. The Hot Teacher

8 Teachers You May Remember

There will be a time when you have a crush on one of your teachers. This, my friend, would be the "Hot Teacher". And although my Hot Teacher was only a substitute for math class let's just say I payed more attention in that class than I ever have.

2. The Potato

8 Teachers You May Remember

This teacher. This teacher. This is probably the WORST teacher that has ever walked the planet. Honestly, how they even earned their teaching degree is beyond me, but they are SO annoying!

The Potato is that one teacher who will literally do nothing. The only time they actually put an effort into giving you an education is when another teacher or someone is in the room. Other than that you might as well be teaching yourself. But the thing is they act like they care about you achieving.

For me this teacher was one I had last year. He only taught our class twice the entire year. One was on the first day of school. And the other was when some guy was in the classroom inspecting it or whatever.

If you have a Potato teacher, then I suggest just standing up and walking out of the room. Honestly there are SO many days when I wish I did that but I didn't and now I'm forever going to regret not standing up to that brick head.

3. The Ghost

8 Teachers You May Remember

The Ghost is that one teacher that's never really there for some reason. You've seen them in class a few times but mostly they're just not there. Quite similar to the Potato, I suppose, but at least these guys have the decency to leave instead of eating their bowl of Chipotle in front of your face.

The Ghost usually either calls in sick or just straight up leaves the class. You honestly don't really know this teacher as much as you probably should, but no one really minds.

4. The Druggie

8 Teachers You May Remember

This is the teacher who really needs to get their crap together. Whether their old or just like this the Druggie is that one teacher who has really bad health problems. You're just kind of surprised they were even able to drive to school.

Watching a Druggie teach is kind of a nerve wrecking experience. It's not that they're drunk, it's just that they can barely stand, walk, or speak. They usually have a bottle of something stashed away at their desk for when the kids go to lunch.

Of course they're not ALWAYS like this. But let's just say they usually aren't permitted to going on the class field trips.

5. The Creep

8 Teachers You May Remember

This is the teacher no one really likes. Not necessarily because he's mean, but more because he's terrifying. And usually it's a guy, but it could easily be a woman, too.

You pray everyday that you will not have one of those lockdown drills in his class, because the LAST thing you want is to be locked away in a dark classroom with THIS guy. Yeah, freaky.

Most of the kids have already found proof somewhere that he watches porn on a daily basis, and for some reason this guy might smell really really weird. He usually speaks in a weird way, too. Like everything he says sounds like it's supposed to be extremely creepy and perverted.

6. The "Inspiration"

8 Teachers You May Remember

This teacher used to have a dream. He or she had always wanted to do something big, like play in a band or be an athlete. But things didn't really work out for this person, and now they're stuck in a smelly school teaching a bunch of delinquents so they can pay their bills.

Don't get me wrong, this teacher can be really awesome. But most kids can obviously tell that this teacher really doesn't want to be there and that they kind of hate how their life is panning out.

This teacher also tends to do back stories a lot about how "back in the day" and their "cool band". But truthfully if a student has a dream like this teacher did the teacher will more than likely say something like "Stupid kid, dreams are for fools." and probably try to stop them from achieving their dreams.

7. The Warden

8 Teachers You May Remember

This teacher is a terrible person. And honestly no one really knows why they started teaching in the first place considering they practically hate children.

This teacher pretty much makes it their main goal to ruin you and every other child's life. They will do whatever it takes to fail you, but while making it look like they're trying to get you to pass.

8. The Bro

8 Teachers You May Remember

And finally, number eight.

This is honestly the coolest teacher you will probably ever have. They just kind of understand how children think.

These teachers probably give out candy a lot, but are amazing at their job. They were those teachers that brought in cookies during math class. "So if we have two cookies and Jessica eats one then how many do we have?"

Not to mention they incorporate things children understand with school. "If SpongeBob makes seventy Krabby Patties and Patrick eats nine of them how many are left?"

Pretty much everyone loves this teacher, because what's not to love?

Anyways that's all! I know there's a ton more out there but these were just a select few I decided to talk about. I hope you enjoyed!

8 Teachers You May Remember
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