From An Abused Daughter

Growing up, my dad would hit me quite a bit. At age 8, he bought me one of those wands that had sparkles floating in the water-just to hit me with it & throw it behind the couch for being too hyper. I was slammed up in front of the wall after hitting my brother with that same wand for coming into my room (go figure). I was hit if I repeated any cussing I heard. When I was 14 and learning to drive, I skipped four lanes to turn into the grocery store. Needless to say, he pummeled my right arm while I was trying to drive, hearing him yell at me that "I almost killed him."

It continued into my adult years, having gotten slapped in the face at 18 & hit on the arm with a walking staff at 20. When my mom found out about the latter, she went berserk, threatening for divorce, just to let it go four days later. But one toxic thing that stuck with me was this:

"Your husband's not going to touch you."

The hypocrisy in this statement still makes me nauseus. He said this after I told him that I couldn't wait until it was someone else punching me. So it's acceptable for him to hurt me, but God forbid my husband, huh?

Well, as the age-old saying goes, every woman grows up to marry her father. I hope this won't be in my case, but it has instilled in me a mentality that I feel I need to counterthink against. I never thought a man hitting his woman was a big deal, and that it wasn't something that couldn't be dismissed. I always thought it was silly for a woman to press charges against a simple hit from her husband. I never saw abuse as...abuse.

Now I've realized the ugly truth. Because of how I was treated growing up, I've become desensitized to domestic violence. It's taken me 20 years to realize this, but I have 20 more to transcend it too.

Any guys on here who are or want to be dads...please don't hit your daughters. Please. That will allow her to think that it's ok for her husband to hit her in the future. Despite my dad's hypocritical notion that he never wants my husband to hit me, that is the path he laid out for me. As for me, I have a choice whether I will walk that path or find something better.

From An Abused Daughter

From An Abused Daughter
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