My sister in law expects me to kiss her ass all the time, what do you think I should do?

So I have done everything for my sister in law. I went to court with her when she had to go to court because of custody issues. I even went with her when she had to take her child to see the biological father due to custody agreements. She didn't want to go alone because he made her uncomfortable so I went with her (which I stopped going with her because she blew up on me one day just because I accidently double booked my plans...she said I am never there for her and I never do anything for her). So I stopped going to the meetings with the biological father and kind of distanced myself for a little while. But that didn't last long because now I am always babysitting her child anytime she needs me to. I am always so nice to her and she is usually snappy with me. She has done everything from telling me I should have done my wedding different to telling me I have a flat ass. Today I didn't go to a thing with her for her wedding. She got mad that I didn't tell her I wasn't going to go even though I was never invited and she already asked someone else to go. But she wasn't mad because I wasn't able to spend this time with her she was mad because I wasn't doing anything (to her knoweledge, even though I am filling out work apps). She was mad because she had three kids with her and her cousin who didn't want to be there and I could be babysitting them instead of them struggling with three kids. I mean I am all for helping family out. I am always willing to help her out but things are getting so crazy and I feel like I am being taken for granted.She is so spoiled and expects people to do everything she wants when she wants and I had enough. I told my husband I am not a babysitter I am nothing but her sister in-law. I would be all for watching them if she was nicer. She is just so rude and snappy all the time. She acts as if she can't stand me and is always competing with me. She didn't even like the fact that on Thanksgiving I brought a homemade dessert that everyone loved because she already had a dessert.I mean she through a fit and made a scene. I was taught to always bring things to someones house when you are invited. Things are getting ridiculous. I can only be so nice to somebody who acts like they despise me. I am sick of feeling like I owe her something just because I married her brother. I just don't know what to do anymore. What do you guys think I should do? I pray for the answers but the only thing I can come up with is keep being nice. What do you guys think I should do?
My sister in law expects me to kiss her ass all the time, what do you think I should do?
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