Why are high heels sexy? Actual scientific data about the sexiness of heels!

Actual scientific data about the sexiness of heels....

So I ran into this study today, which intended to answer the question, "Why are heels sexy?"

Here's what they found...

"The wearing of high heels hoists the derriere by approximately 20 to 30 degrees as a function of the heel’s size. The larger the heel is, the greater the lift. As we age, gravity becomes a growing nemesis to our figures, especially for women. Perky body parts are associated with youth, sagging parts with age. Accordingly, any product that can “reverse” the effects of gravity by yielding a more youthful-looking body is an easy seller, be it high heels or push-up bras. In addition to serving as a Gestalt cue for youth, a raised backside is attractive to men because it mimics lordosis, the sexually receptive position that mammalian females adopt prior to mating. Also, high heels cater to men’s preference for longer legs; a recent study found that both sexes preferred individuals whose legs were 5 percent longer than the average.

In addition to the perceptual changes associated with women’s figures when wearing high heels, might it be the case that a woman’s gait is differentially attractive as a function of the shoes that she is wearing? Incredibly, this is precisely what two Japanese scientists found. Specifically, in judging women’s gaits, men evaluated those wearing high heels to be more feminine and physically attractive than their counterparts walking in loafers."

You didn't have to waste money conducting a study on that, right? Just ask any guy on the street and he could have told you that.

Okay, I'll admit I'm halfway joking. The science behind it is pretty interesting (or maybe I'm just a science geek).

Of course, I'm still attracted to my girlfiend when she's in sweats (especially yoga pants). Attraction is about more than looks anyway. But when she does dress up, she's even sexier. It's the combination of her putting in the extra effort just for me, and the obvious physical appeal.

My girlfriend doesn't really like to wear heels, and I get why. I mean, it actually looks pretty painful. Sometimes she wears them anyway, just because she knows I like it. (I promise I don't make her do it! Haha.)

Historically, men have been known to wear heels. I wonder why women didn't stop wearing them when men did. I mean, are there any girls here who actually enjoy wearing heels? The way my girlfriend describes it, it seems equal to the same amount of pain as getting tackled in football. I know she's not entirely serious, but I really am asking a serious question.

So, ladies. How many of you actually like wearing heels?

Why are high heels sexy? Actual scientific data about the sexiness of heels!

Why are high heels sexy? Actual scientific data about the sexiness of heels!
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