Does a big ass forehead make a girl less attractive? If so, how can I hide mine?

Does a big ass forehead make a girl less attractive? If so, how can I hide mine?

Kate Bosworth, Christina Ricci, Tyra Banks, and Rihanna all have one thing in common. If you read the title of this question or just took a slight glance at the photo above you can probably guess that it's their big ass foreheads. I too suffer from a big ass forehead. Big ass forheads just run in my family. My grandmom has a big ass forehead, which she passed on to my mother, which she passed on to all of her children. This has caused me to be extremely insecure. I never wear my hair back or up anymore unless I have a headband or scarf that can disguise my big ass forehead. I never part my hair in the middle. My hair is always either parted to the side usually in my signature bob, or covered up. All the memes about girls with big foreheads aren't helping me get over my insecurities.
Does a big ass forehead make a girl less attractive? If so, how can I hide mine?

I feel kind of ugly, like an alien with a big ass head. I guess my insecurities started surfacing in calculus class a few months ago when this really attractive guy walked up to me and told me I had a thirty-sixhead really loud in front of my hole class. (Translation: A big ass forehead) Then I told a close friend that I had been thinking about cutting my hair and he said I shouldn't cause then all I'll have left is my big ass forehead. I hate taking pictures now. I either crop out the top of my head or I use the flower crown snapchat emoji.
Does a big ass forehead make a girl less attractive? If so, how can I hide mine?
The flower crown emoji is super effective at hiding my forehead. I've been thinking about getting bangs instead of cutting my hair just to specifically cover my forehead. I don't know if I'm just paranoid. I wish I had a picture for an example of what it looks like but I haven't taken a photo with my forehead exposed.
Does a big ass forehead make a girl less attractive? If so, how can I hide mine?
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