What do guys think of female sideburns?

What do you think about them? If you are a girl and you have them..do you remove them? If you are a guy..are you disgusted by them? or do you not care in general.

In case you don't know what "sideburns" are ...here are some pictures...
female sideburns
female sideburns
woman with sideburns
woman with sideburns
They look like this on males:
male sideburns
male sideburns
It is basically hair on the sides on your face. (I have them...I have been insulted by people before about them...some of the people say it make be look like a monkey and I should shave them...but I will never do that.)

Sorry about the Extra late update...but I remember promising a photo of my side burns.
I made my picture black and white so people don't see me..Mostly the side burns it is hard to tell on crap quality webcam trail camera. LOL..
female with sideburns
female with sideburns
I am a girl and I have Sideburns.
I am a girl and I remove my Sideburns.
I am a girl and I could care less about Sideburns.
I am a guy and I have my own opinion about it.
Other. (list opinion)
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What do guys think of female sideburns?
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