Flirting: 8 Do’s & Dont's for Girls

So, You Like a Guy. What Now?

Okay, so ladies, I have been asked a few times the question, I like a guy what to do? So, now it’s my turn to ask and, yes, answer the question.

Flirting: 8 Do’s & Dont's for Girls

Alright, you've met a guy. What do you do next? Act interested? Sure, good idea, but at the same time no. Why? Because you don't want to come on too strong.

Ignore him? Maybe, ignoring is a tricky game, too much he won't know you're alive.

Knock him to the ground? Hell NO, don’t even think this, forget I even mentioned it. Bad, Bad, very bad idea, one that only works in first grade.

Flirting: 8 Do’s & Dont's for Girls

Flirting & The Social Media Obsession

I feel (a personal opinion, so bear with me) that Facebooking, Snap-Chatting, Instagramming, and Tweeting are the thing MOST (not all) girls surround themselves with today. Now I’m young, still in my teens, but I don’t rely on any of those for dear life.

Nowadays, girls spend so much time updating their status, checking to see who liked a comment or picture, and thinking they're getting to know the perfect guy (online), who happens to look like Ryan Gosling.

As I can imagine, ladies, it would always be such a letdown to learn that the Internet's prince charming actually looks more like that boy from Diary of a Wimpy Kid but that’s what catches you isn’t it, the looks?

Flirting: 8 Do’s & Dont's for Girls

8 Do's & Dont's of Flirting

Flirting doesn't have to be painful, it can actually be fun! I'm not talking about playing games with guys … trying to make every guy you meet think that you like them; that's rude.

So, back to what we’re here for, what's a girl supposed to do when she meets a guy she's interested in?

Here are a few tips, if you’d like to call them that, use them as guidelines, not a way of life. Although you may agree or disagree, remember every situation and circumstance presents a new way and ideal approach to it, there is no book to solve them all. So, here they are….

1) Don't Try Too Hard

Be yourself. If the guy doesn't seem interested in what you have to say, it's his loss. And that’s a guy thing, we don’t realize what we have until it’s gone (I can’t speak for girls and from what I know, they appreciate, most of the time, what they have.)

2) Don't Wait Around for (or Stalk) the Guy

Keep busy with the things and people that bring you happiness. God wants us to be happy, at least I hope so. Seek out the people, conversations, and activities that bring you joy.

3) Don't be Afraid to Move On

There are plenty of people out there to get to know, and more than enough time to find the interesting ones to spend time with. Dwelling on the past helps no one and in that time you spend thinking over something you cannot change, the perfect guy may come and go, all it takes is a split second to miss him.

4) Don't Open Up Too Fast

Luckily The Bachelorette is not your guide for how quickly you have to share your life story before the next contestant enters the room. You're a treasure to be sought after, so let the guy do the work in getting to know you. In doing so, you will get to know him too, it’s a win- win (most of the time, haha)

5) Do Dress in a Way That Flatters Your Body

That doesn't mean reveal your whole body. If the lack of your clothing is what attracts a guy, don't be surprised when he doesn't seem interested in the real you. Being stared at all day by every guy that walks by is not what is going to make you happy or a guy who is genuinely interested in you. Summertime is a great time to wear bright, fun colors that catch a guy's eye, sure. Not to run around in public wearing shorts that look like underwear.

6) Do Smile

Be the happy version of yourself. You don't need to act like you've just won a million dollars if you're having the worst day of your life, but you also don't need to act like you're sharing your deepest thoughts with your therapist. Smile, you never know who is falling in love with that smile.

7) Do Make Eye Contact

Let a guy know you're interested and really listen to him. And not just the stories he's telling, listen to the words he's using to communicate. Does he need to use bad language to sound cool or get a laugh? Does he need to talk negatively about others to make himself feel better? Don't waste your time on a guy who isn't going to add something positivity to your life. And also pay attention to what you say and if you happen to bring it up, how he responds. A guy who listens and remembers what you say is a guy you keep, the rest… well, you know what to do with them I hope.

Flirting: 8 Do’s & Dont's for Girls

8) Do Relax

Remember things have a way of working out, they just do. It’s a trick time plays, don’t ask me how or why, I wish I knew. Don't stress thinking you're going to mess up if you say the wrong words, get caught on a day you haven't done your hair, or laugh at all the wrong times, those are all things that make you, you.

Flirting: 8 Do’s & Dont's for Girls

Alright ladies, I hope that helps a little and answers a few questions. Anything else, don’t hesitate to ask. I wish you lot at the very best

Good Luck!

Flirting: 8 Do’s & Dont's for Girls
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