Why has he gone quiet?

So..I've had like 7 dates with this guy..was going OK...I met his football team mates, his parents and his two best mates on Sunday. I stayed the night Sunday and left him Monday morning. Then...nothing...I Haven't heard a thing from him since and its now Wednesday. I'm so confused. I waited for his 'usual' text on Monday night but then nothing came. So I thought perhaps he was just giving it a day's cooling off or something. But then Tuesday passed and still nothing. I know I could of text him, but I know from experience when a guy goes quiet then its for a reason. I don't want to feel rejected. Please guys, could someone give me an insight into why this has happened? I like him loads, and I've never thought about anyone this much - and its because I like him, that I can't bring myself to contact him! And now I'm thinking, have I left it too late..or have we 'both' left it too late?
+1 y
forgot to mention...Sunday wasn't the first time we had slept together so it can't be because all he was after was sex
Why has he gone quiet?
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