Why do short girls go for the absolute tallest guy around?

I saw like a 5'4 girl with like a 6'5 guy and I'm like whyy. She looks like his child. Why would you want to be in a relationship where its hard to simply even hug? Maybe I'm just jealous because im a taller girl and like where's my hope? I don't know. I don't understand how that can be comfy though. Can't you be satisfied with a 5'8 to 5'10 guy? Where does that leave short guys and the tall girls if the short girls are swooping all the tall guys.
+1 y
So basically the moral of the story and what I've learned is you like who you like when you like them because you like them and height isn't always a factor which is total bullshit because height is almost always a factor for girls. Girls are just like that. I just think that if I was 5'4 and had a guy that was 6'5 I'd kind of feel bad for him and his back.
But on a happy note, I did get that it's just biological sometime.
Why do short girls go for the absolute tallest guy around?
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