How come nice guys are so lame?

Why do guys on here think that a guy has to be a complete asshole in order to get girls? Like there is no other choice, a guy either has to be a passive wimp or he has to be an abusive jerk? There are middle grounds you know! Do you mean to tell me that the only guys you know that have girlfriends are guys who treat them like crap and are mean and abusive to them? Because I'm here to tell you that's not true!

When I think of a guy who refers to himself as a nice guy, I think of someone with some or all of these traits:

passive aggressive

not very masculine

wishy washy

not confident

can't speak up for himself

too shy

can't make decisions

too much of a people pleaser

a doormat

None of these traits are attractive to most girls. Do you really think that a guy who is the opposite of these is a jerk? And that being an asshole is the only way to attract women? Why do you think so? Also if you think anything I said is wrong then that is your opinion...please explain to me why you think what I said isn't true and tell me your definition of a nice guy
How come nice guys are so lame?
Post Opinion