Maintain your Health this Summer


Maintain your Health this Summer

A lot of people loved my last MyTake which was written anonymously (because I am a wimp). I thought, why not write another one and this time actually put my name up there. So here we go.

Summer just rolled around and I am finding myself sitting with my laptop watching Merlin and admiring Bradley James (Isn't he just so hot?). But this needs to stop. I need to stay in shape; the shape that I have worked day and night for the last year to achieve. Okay, I actually don't look that good and I didn't work out that hard either. There is a lot of room for improvement. That being said, I still have a healthy body and I like what I look like so I wanna continue working out.

Another bad habit that I pick up over the summer is eating utter crap. I tend to sit around drinking soda and eating chips and cookies and oh those evil chocolates (you just can't get enough of them).

But my biggest health-related-mistake over the summer is sleeping in till noon and going to bed at 3 in the morning.

I have decided that this summer, I WILL NOT be a couch potato and will actually go out and do something productive. And if you have similar goals read ahead.

Here is a list of ways to maintain your health this summer.

Get your schedule together!

'Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." (I think Benjamin Franklin wrote this in Poor Richard's Almanack.) My number 1 tip is to get on healthy schedule. If you are anything like me you would want to go to bed at a reasonable hour, for me I'd like to set it around 10 PM. Along with that you will also need to wake up early, I try to wake up at 7 AM. This way I start my day early and I have more time to do other things. I usually like to squeeze a couple of hours of studying in my day but you can use this time for anything you want.

Eat healthy

I am eating popcorn while writing this. (Is that healthy? I don't know. I mean it doesn't have a lot of oil in it so I guess... This is exactly why I can't eat healthy; I am clueless.) The best way to eat healthy is to know your calories. I am a 15 year old girl. I am relatively short (5 feet 1 inch maybe 2 inches). I am thin and I weigh about a 100 pounds (btw that is apparently underweight so I am gonna try to eat more calories than I do right now). Keeping those factors in mind and the fact and I am going to work out for at least about an hour every day I should be eating about 1500 to 1800 calories per day. There are various apps that tell how much calorie something has. Along with keeping track of your calorie intake make sure that you eat healthy. Instead of eating chips and cookies, eat an apple. Instead of drinking soda, drink lemonade (without sugar, if you like it sweet then add honey). One good trick is every time you feel hungry smell an apple and if you are still hungry, eat that apple if not then go back to whatever you were doing. And remember to treat yourself once in a while. If you feel like you have eaten healthy for a week, grab that candy bar and enjoy yourself, but don't get carried away with all the sugar. Oh and keep off diet coke and things like that.

Maintain your Health this Summer

Stay hydrated!

I cannot stress this enough. Drinking water boosts your metabolism. It helps you feel full, so you don't feel hungry and you don’t eat unnecessarily. Three, it keeps your skin glowing and young; who doesn't want that?!?!? Water also helps you stay concentrated and alert. Honestly, there are so many reasons to drink water, so drink up. It's said that you should drink about 8 glasses of water per day. I don't think that is necessarily true. You have to remember that there is water in fruits and other things so 8 glasses per day... Think about it.

Maintain your Health this Summer


Now, what we have all been waiting for, the mighty king of staying fit, exercise. I personally like to fit in an hour or two of exercise in my day. I go for a run and that takes up about 15 minutes. Other than that I do some sit-ups, push-ups, planks etc. So usually I am done with my work out in an hour and a half. Again there are so many reasons to exercise. For one, it helps you stay fit and healthy. Two, it refreshes your mind and energizes you. But most importantly, it really helps boost your self-confidence level. If you don't have time to do an actual work fit in a little run. I don't recommend running a mile. I would say break it up. Do a 100 meters for 16 times, or something like that. Studies show that people who are healthy actually run short distances, so consider sprints. If you don't like running or you don't want to/can’t go running, do some indoor exercises. There is so much to choose from. You can do sit-ups, squats, lunges, and so much more. But if you still don't feel compelled to exercise, at least keep moving. Walk around. Take the stairs instead of the elevator (I climb up 170 stairs everyday as part of my workout). But you don't even have to limit yourself to that, you can go swimming, or dancing, or you can play a sport. There are so many options. You can even work out with a friend to stay motivated and to have more fun.

Maintain your Health this Summer

Have fun! It's summer. Whatever you do, remember to enjoy it. Having fun can have a positive effect on your health. It can help you re-discover yourself. It can help you re-connect with friends. But most importantly it can help you feel happy.

And with that I conclude this MyTake. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed it and it helped you in some way or another. If you liked it please let me know in the comments. If you didn't like it or have any feedback leave it in the comments too. I'd really like to see where I can improve.

Another thing if you liked my MyTake (doesn't quite roll off the tongue) you can request a topic for me to write about. I was thinking about writing more on exercise in my next MyTake so if you like that stuff be sure to check that out (if you want).

And I'll see you next time.

- Miss_Nobility

All the pictures were taken from google images. I don't claim to own any of them.

Maintain your Health this Summer
4 Opinion