Fall In Love With These 5 Weight Loss Smoothies This Winter

Did you have a healthy breakfast this morning?

As much as we love to include the word “healthy” in our diet, the busy mornings and tight schedules force us to skip on the safe and binge on something that’s quick and no way close to healthy. The result? We end up feeling drowsy, lethargic and out of focus for the rest of the day. Plus we add an extra inch to our already exceeding waistlines. We often blame the lack of concentration and focus on distractions and lack of sleep. But the real problem is far away from this.

We all are aware of the importance of a proper breakfast. We survive on juices and toasts which do no good but harm to our body. So here we have put together five super easy and “healthy” fruits and vegetable smoothie recipes to help you transform your mornings and turbo charge them in seconds. These weight loss smoothies will lend your mornings a super solid take off that will last long the entire day. The best part of roping in these smoothies is that they help you lose weight and the weighing scales will smile back at you in no time.

So get ready to toss in the goodness of fruits and vegetables in the blender and say hello to health and wellness.

Spinach Smoothie

The first smoothie is the green smoothie that includes the wholesomeness of both fruits and vegetables. The only way you can have raw spinach in breakfast is by making a delicious smoothie out of it. And the benefits of spinach are endless. Rich in vitamin A and C, spinach is low in fat and cholesterol, and high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. In other words, spinach has something good for every part of your body. The health promoting phytonutrients in spinach also provides you with powerful antioxidant protection. When combined with banana, orange and coconut water, it’s a glass full of goodness.

Fall In Love With These 5 Weight Loss Smoothies This Winter

Peanut Butter Smoothie

Did you know peanut butter along with being finger licking good also has amazing health benefits? The proteins and minerals packed in peanut butter reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke. The fibre content is high for the bowel movement. Peanut butter is loaded with antioxidants that prevent some health issues. The benefits of this golden butter increase two times when blended with banana, which keeps you feeling full for longer and you can skip on your binge eating.

Mixed Berry Smoothie

Berries are considered the best fruits when it comes to weight loss because of their low sugar content when compared to other fruits like mangoes and bananas. Berries are packed with antioxidants, metabolism boosters and fibers, all of which speed up your weight loss process. Berries may help adverse the effects of ageing, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and helps in controlling high blood pressure. Mixed berry smoothie recipe with yoghurt works like a magic potion on those extra pounds.

Fall In Love With These 5 Weight Loss Smoothies This Winter

Vegetable Smoothie

Cucumbers are rightfully considered the healthiest vegetables and they are worth the title. Cucumbers are great to keep you hydrated and flush out the harmful toxins out of your body. They aid the weight loss process and fights inflammation. Plus they make a fantastic base for a yummy smoothie. Cucumbers when tossed in the blender with celery, bell peppers and apples becomes a treat for your taste buds and a magic potion for your body.

Fall In Love With These 5 Weight Loss Smoothies This Winter

Almond, Papaya & Banana Smoothie

Almonds are treasured as the most favourite nuts from centuries ago and for centuries to come. They are best known for reducing cholesterol, rich in fibre and antioxidants. They are used in many forms, from whole raw nuts to powder and even in cosmetics.

Papayas are incredibly healthy. The antioxidants in papaya fight inflammation and the nutrients keep you looking younger for longer. It also aids proper digestion. Bananas are loaded with nutrients and minerals that are good for you in more than one ways. This smoothie of almond, papaya and banana is a powerhouse of good health and weight loss. Plus it gives you radiant and glowing skin.

Fall In Love With These 5 Weight Loss Smoothies This Winter

These smoothies are no less than blessings for you as they take so little effort and gives you so much in return. They are good for you in every possible way, even in ways you can’t imagine. For quicker and better weight loss and a fit toned body, include easy exercises to lose fat that will fasten your weight loss process and help you beat the stress for good.

Shifting to a healthier diet is a way to show gratitude to your body for everything that it does for you. Altering the eating habits can help you undo all the damage that you have caused to yourself and lead a life that is much more active, happy and healthy.

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Fall In Love With These 5 Weight Loss Smoothies This Winter
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