6 Reasons You're Unhappy with Your Body

6 Reasons You're Unhappy with Your Body

There are so many people out there who are just completely unhappy with their body. Every time they look in the mirror (or don't), they just feel awful about themselves for a few reasons.

1. You aren't doing anything about it

Hate your body? If it has nothing to do with genetics, what are you doing about it? No...literally...what are you going to do about it? Constantly pointing out problems you know and feel exist with your body but making the active choice to do nothing about it, is not surprisingly going to lead you to feel extremely unhappy with the way you look. Saying everyday for an entire year: I don't have enough muscle, I'm fat, I'm too thin, I'm disgusting, I wish I looked like xyz...doesn't make those changes for you. You have to get up and make the choice to actually go work out, go eat healthy, and make those changes so you don't have to keep feeling unhappy

6 Reasons You're Unhappy with Your Body

2. You're abusing your body

Excessive drinking, drugs, smoking, lack of getting any healthy sleep, cutting, eating disorders, and on and on...these things are some of the worst things you can do to yourself, and in the long term or even short term, they can lead to massive degeneration of your body and even an early death if you continue. They just don't lead to body satisfaction. No one says, you know I totally reaped the benefits of doing drugs for 10 years or not getting sleep really helped me feel revitalized and ready to work out each morning. One should get help to deal with these issues and/or stop them as soon as possible to help regain both your physical and/or mental health so you can then do the work towards achieving a healthier body and mindset.

3. You're obsessively comparing yourself with others

Yes, we all have wished to look like person a, b, or c in our lifetimes, and it's fine to have those thoughts and fine to even try to achieve them if they are in the realm of possibility, but when you are the type that is constantly obsessively comparing yourself to someone else or doing dangerous or unhealthy things like starving yourself or taking steroids to try and look like someone else, you're probably never going to feel happy about yourself even if you do eventually manage to look like that someone else. You have to want to make change for yourself and to recognize that when you're working out, you should be challenging yourself to do better for you, not for someone else or to try and literally be someone else.

6 Reasons You're Unhappy with Your Body

4. You're surrounded by intensely negative people

Just as you may hate your body, there are others that not only hate themselves, but project that self-hatred on to you. They are constantly telling you, you're too thin or too fat, or not big enough or not small enough, or you'll never get this or that shape or you should diet. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely room for constructive criticism, but then there is just hate or someone trying to put you down because they are dealing with their own issues and/or are straight up a-holes. If you are trying everything in your power to do better and someone is STILL riding you hard and giving you crap, distance yourself or find a new set of friends because this will not help you. You need to not only workout with encouraging people, but hang out with people who actually support your goals and your achievements, not constantly talk down to you or them when you hit those milestones.

5. You're being too hard on yourself

So you didn't make that many gains this week or lose that many pounds...did you still workout? Did you still eat right? Did you still try your best? Then, no, you are not a failure. A lot of people get in that mindset that if they don't see a certain number or see progress right this second, nothing they are doing is worth it or the progress they've made is all going in the trash. Take a breath. Chill the f--k out! You cannot always see the change you want because either you haven't given yourself enough time to actually see the change and make the progress, or numbers on the scale don't reflect what you actually look like, or any number of things that can cause temporary set-backs. If you're in a rut and it's been weeks, then yes, do try and change it up, but don't just give up and slide back to old habits or get depressed about it if it's been a second and you haven't seen miraculous changes.

6 Reasons You're Unhappy with Your Body

6. You refuse to accept your body

There has got to be some level of reality in your mind for what is possible for you and your body. If you're an adult and 5'1, you can't someday be a 5'11 supermodel because you simply won't grow after a certain age. If your genetics have determined your hip bone structure, you will never get thigh gap no matter what you do slight of surgery. If you come from a family of extremely thin men with high metabolisms, achieving the Rock's body for you may literally be impossible. Yes, there are some things you cannot change physically. Aging, pregnancy, genetics, injuries---they can effect you dramatically or determine what your body will be like for the rest of your life, and you just need to accept that sometimes there isn't a thing you can do about it or it will drive you crazy. If this is you, actively work on praising your body for what it can do and how far it has gotten you.

6 Reasons You're Unhappy with Your Body
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