ANYONE. Have you given blood at your high school's blood drive?

This Friday our school is having a blood drive. As much as I want to do it I have issues with the whole blood, needles, and something goes into my vein that'll stay there for about 10 minutes. I've never been a fan of needles. I would get tense from the vaccinations shots. I feel like such a wimp but so much in me wants to give blood because of the potential of saving other's lives. If you've given blood before at your high school's blood drive did it hurt? (Are you afraid of needles?), What is it like? Please share your experiences. (: That would be much appreciated.

I might be deficient in iron and I'm nervous about that being a reason I can't give blood. Do you know any good foods I can eat to get more iron in me in this week before Friday? (I don't eat animals so that limits some of the options...)

Do you have any tips to not be nervous? Any positive mindsets? Any suggestions?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'd appreciate your input.
ANYONE. Have you given blood at your high school's blood drive?
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