What's wrong with me?

I feel like I'm never really happy, I'm short tempered at everything. Even the tiniest of things, like accidentally leaning on my ear phone and it falls out of my ear. For a couple months now (say 4-5?) even the sound of my dad, mum, brothers, uncle annoys me to the point I have to take my dog for a walk for an hour. Even walking my dog completely angers me as sometimes she will pull and I'll just get sick of it so I'll pull back. The only things that don't anger me is walking my dog listening to music or just isolating myself on my phone.

The feeling of when my "best friend" is sick for a day is amazing, I feel more confident. Which I know is wrong.. But she's always bragging about a new shopping trip she went on, getting any Chance to show or say she's not fat even though she knows I'm trying to lose weight, the lengths she Gos to to make me feel bad is unbelievable, but sometimes she's the only one I can talk to and trust.

What's wrong with me or is there anything wrong With me at all? I can't talk to anyone about this as I can't tell my parents anything and well not very good friends sorry it's not very detailed but it's hard to express this
What's wrong with me?
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