Anyone see an issue with anabolic steroids here?

Hear me out. My girlfriend is a nurse and I started taking anabolic steroids under her care.. She does the injections and keeps my blood levels in check. I take a small dosage of testerone enthate. I'm a competitive bodybuilder.. I'm on my second cycle right now and I just don't understand why I should stop. I take adderal also. Between those two drugs I'm accomplishing so much in my life right now. The year I started both my life has literally changed for the better. My school work is better.. I compete at a higher level.. I look better.. I feel like superman. The only problem is that I'm 22 and have lost a lot of my hair but I just shave my head and tan. I know in the long run this can't be healthy though. Could anyone convince me why I should stop?
Stay on. You are achieving so much.
Get off. Can't be healthy.
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Anyone see an issue with anabolic steroids here?
4 Opinion