Why do people pretend they are a healthy weight or try pushing others to think so?

i don't really care but its annoying thick is the new thick then you see a photo of a girl with a big ass and small waist then a photo of a skinny girl saying no one can get this type of body which is bull shit.
am 6 feet and weigh 129-135 pounds which i known isn't healthy for my height or frame which i plan on changing one day.
here is a list of healthy weights for your shape and height.
Why do people pretend they are a healthy weight or try pushing others to think so?
am not trying to offend anyone but why can't we all accept when we are unheathy and try making a change?

girls be like thick no women your over weight accpeted it and change it.
fat guy riding a bike.
this is thick
this is also stick
this is what it looks like to be skinny nad unheathy
this is skinny heathy
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Why do people pretend they are a healthy weight or try pushing others to think so?
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