Scary ass Christmas: starring Krampus


Krampus comes from the German word krampen which means claw.

Scary ass Christmas: starring Krampus

So pretty much Krampus is like the badass evil brother of Santa Claus. Basically to sum it all up if you are an asshole kid, this half goat half human demon hits naught children and drags them to the Underworld.

He has also been said to be the son of the goddess Hel from Norse Mythology.

Scary ass Christmas: starring Krampus

Krampus is a part of a Christmas tradition in Germany that is over 200 years old. He arrives on Krampusnacht (Krampus Night) the night before December 6th. Currently, in the countries of Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, drunk men dress up as devils and chase people on the street.

However, the real question is: Why the hell haven't I visited Germany yet?

Scary ass Christmas: starring Krampus


Scary ass Christmas: starring Krampus
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