14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

I plan on marrying...eventually.

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

1. I will annoy them when I want attention.

I want attention often so I will annoy them till they give it to me. Not because I'm clingy but because it makes me feel wanted and loved.

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

2. Buy them random gifts.

It's always "Oh the guy should buy the girl all these random little gifts" well if I marry a guy or girl I will be buying them many different sweet gifts. If it's a necklace or video game or clothing.

3. Write about them.

I already write about people, but mostly when I'm upset. I will write short stories based off of them or make them a character in my novel. Maybe even write a love poem for them.

4. Cook/bake for them.

I love baking and I'm great at it. I also love food. I will also love them. Why not combine all 3?

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

Image credits: https://www.woodenearth.com/blogs/wooden-blog/history-of- the-rolling-pin

5. Sex whenever they want.

High libido = sex often. I'm open to ~90% of things and I will gladly have sex with them whenever they want to.

6. Sing to/with them.

I don't sing in front of people and certainly not with them. Singing to/with them shows a high amount of trust as singing with someone is a very intimate thing to be done in my opinion.

7. Make crafts for them.

Yes I am a child at heart so I will make them different crafts. Cards or bead necklaces or anything, they're gonna have so many artsy stuff.

8. Talk about them often.

Yea I'm not gonna talk about them 24/7 but I will complain and praise them often. I will praise them to everyone whenever the subject arises and I will complain to close friends to release stress.

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

9. Communicate thoroughly.

I am all about communication between partners. I wish to be able to tell them the truth, good or bad, and have them understand. We can talk about everything, nothing...

10. Debate.

We WILL debate. I am a master debater ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I have very strong and many opinions, and I will not be afraid to let them know. Sometimes, a really good debate will get me horny. (Sorry but its true!) Even arguing has the same effect as long as it isn't gonna break us up.

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

11. Talk about philosophy.

We WILL talk about this too. Sure I love talking about silly stuff but deep conversations are needed too. Talking about philosophy stuff makes them seem more intelligent in my eyes.

12. Take care of them when they're sick.

I will give them soup, drive them places, basically nurture them till they get better again. If they become disabled in some way, I'm not leaving. I'll stay with them through it all, and I will still love them.

13. Lots of hugs, kisses and cuddles.

Affection...attention....hugs, kisses, cuddles...all very necessary to me. Short sweet kisses, long bear hugs or spooning are examples of ways to give me these simple intangible things I want.

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

14. Tease them often.

Whether that means walking around half naked, rubbing my butt on them or touching their butt or WHATEVER, I will tease them often and without mercy.

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife

I know that when I marry, it will be someone I love deeply. I even wrote something that I will put in a novel about them.

"I want you to do me a favor. Close your eyes and explore my body...use your fingers and hands, tongue and lips. Breathe in my scent, remember the softness of my skin. Kiss your way along every inch of my skin, love my naked body in the most sensitive of ways. Engrain the feel of your lips in my skin so that when you finally pull away, I can still feel the sweetness upon my nerves. Revel in the intimacy we share, and never forget the way our skin feels like a million stars on a colliding path of pure bliss, pleasure and love."

I don't know who I'll marry or when but I do know I'll do anything for them.

14 Things I Will Do To/For My Future Husband/Wife
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