Surviving Freshman Year (High School)

Surviving Freshman Year (High School)

Having FINALLY finished my freshman year of high school, I feel like I am qulified to give some advice as to how you can get through your first year of high school.

  • GO TO THE ORIENTATION: I cannot stress this enough, especially if you are going to a new school. Go to the orientation and make sure you have a rough idea of where every thing is so your don't get lost. Know the school rules. Orientation is also a great way to make friends with other freshman year students and maybe even some older kids.

  • BE OUTGOING: I actually moved to a new continent when I started my freshman year, so this one was especially hard for me. Most kids had already found their groups and were close to each other. My parents also didn't allow me to go out frequently, so if people invited me, I often had to reject. But be outgoing, hang out with different people and try to be friendly to every one. Since, I didn't go out a lot, I didn't becme close friends with a group of people, instead I became friends with everyone. Also, attend the social events at your school.

  • FOCUS ON YOUR GRADES: Don't slack back in freshman year, because it will be hard to catch up later on. As my science teacher always says, "Start stong; end strong." Do you homework and participate in class. It is very important. Believe me it will help you a lot during a test. I think starying organized is the key as you can find what you need, when you need it.

  • DO EXTRACURRICULAR: You don't have to just do acedemic things like MUN or MUSS. Join a sport if that's what your heart is into. Some schools have band, if your school does and you want to join do it by all means. Have fun in what you do.

Freshman year should not be stressful, it should be fun. So remember, whatever you do, enjoy it.

Have a great freshman year.

Surviving Freshman Year (High School)
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