5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair

5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair

1. Take a good look at your diet

You are what you eat. For healthier hair you need to fill up on nutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin-c, omega 3's, and biotin. Follow a healthy diet with plenty of leafy green vegetables, plant/animal based protein, fish, and citrus fruits. Along with a good diet, taking a hair supplement can give your hair a healthy boost.

5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair

2. Prevent hair damage

To get healthier hair you must tweak your hair practices in order to ensure you aren't damaging your hair. For a start, ditch your blowdryer and flat-iron. If you must use heat, use your tools on the lowest setting and apply a heat protectant spray beforehand. When you get out of the shower, don't rub your hair with a towel and don't brush/comb your hair while it's wet. To avoid hair damage, gently press your hair with a t-shirt/paper towel to get rid of the excess moisture. If you must detangle your hair while it's wet, apply a hair serum first and then comb out your hair with a wide toothed comb.

5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair

3. Get regular trims

Contrary to popular belief, there is no way to mend or repair split ends. The only solution to ragged and splitting hair is a trim at the salon. If you do not trim your split ends, the damage will travel farther up the hair shaft, leaving you with even more damage to cut off later on. To prevent split ends from happening, avoid damaging your hair and get regular trims every 2-3 months or so.

5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair

4. Nourish your hair

To improve the quality of your hair you must nourish it. In order to do this, you must let go of any harsh chemical products you are using and focus on getting moisture back into your hair. For cleansing, use a sulfate free/paraben free shampoo and conditioner and follow-up with a moisture-rich masque at least once a weak. For extra moisturized hair, try to incorporate hot oiling into your routine (at least once a week). For a hot oil treatment, all you need is virgin/natural oil like coconut or olive and a wide toothed comb. Heat the oil in a microwave or on the stove until it is warm, and apply it onto your scalp and hair. Take time to massage your scalp and really get the oil in. Use the wide toothed comb to distribute the oil throughout your hair. Leave the oil in your hair for as long as you desire, in my experience overnight works best.

5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair

5. Leave your hair alone

For healthier hair, this just might be the easiest step of all. Leaving your hair in its natural state and nourishing it will improve the quality of your hair. If you like to chemically treat or colour your hair, try to do it less frequently and only do it at a salon. Getting your hair professionally done is the best way to prevent hair damage. Your stylist can adjust the volume of bleach and hair dye to prevent any excess damage from being done to your hair.

5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair

I hope this helped some of you beautiful ladies out!

Happy hair days! xo

5 Tips on How to Improve the Quality of Your Hair
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