6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada

Haunted places in my state, Nevada

1. Goldfield Hotel-Goldfield, Esmeralda County, Nevada

6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada

The hotel was owned by a multimillionaire, George Wingfield, who made his money by giving rooms to miners during the gold rush. It's rumored to be extremely haunted mostly by a pregnant woman who claimed George Wingfield was her child's father; for a while he gave her money and she kept quiet.

However, when she couldn't hide the pregnancy, it is said that he chained her to a radiator and gave her food and water until the baby was born. Some people say she died in childbirth, others say Wingfield murdered her.

The hotel is also rumored to be haunted by two people who killed themselves, and George Wingfield himself reportedly makes his presence known by the smell of cigar smoke or cigar ashes. As well as another ghost who is said to attack people with a knife as they enter the dining room, even though he has never harmed anyone. Many psychics claim it's a vortex to hell.

2. Mackay Mansion-Virginia City, Nevada

6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada

I have been here and I saw my niece, four at the time, wave to someone no one else could see. Built in 1860, the owner made his fortune from the Comstock Lode, which was the first major discovery of silver in the U.S. Johnny Depp stayed there and one of the ghosts, a small girl, gave him a visit. She has been heard playing upstairs and another ghost, a maid, has been running up and down stairs completing her endless list of chores. A former colonel sits in the kitchen and another woman, perhaps a former owner, sits in her favorite spot in the house.

3. The Governors Mansion- Carson City, Nevada

6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada

Finished in 1908, this has had to be renovated to meet current building codes and it's said to be haunted by a girl and woman. Supposedly they are the First Lady and her daughter. And it's also haunted by a former servant of the house. Nothing too serious, just random chills, mostly by the grandfather clock, doors opening by themselves, and sounds of footsteps going up the stairs. And they are willing to share the house with our current Governor and his family.

4. Gold Hill Hotel and Saloon- Virgina City, Nevada

6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada

It's said to be haunted by a miner, who died in a fire just behind the hotel. He makes himself known by a strong odor of tobacco and by playing jokes on customers. Then there's a female named Rosie. She makes herself known by the strong smell of roses in her favorite room. Also by children playing jokes on customers and stealing cookies.

5. Pipers Opera House Virginia City, Nevada

6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada

It's said to be haunted two ghosts, a man and a woman. The woman is friendly, enjoys watching performances, particularly children's performances, and sings and dances to the music. However, the man is said to smoke and scowl at performances and always sits on the side balcony.

6. Bowers Mansion- New Washoe City, Nevada

6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada

Supposedly, this is haunted by the woman who owned it. When the owners finished building the mansion, they traveled to Europe to furnish it. However when they got back, her husband's health declined and he died a 12 years later; their adopted daughter died as well. The owner conducted multiple seances in an attempt to contact them but nothing ever worked and she went crazy and died, penniless.

It is said that on the front porch, the temperature has fluctuated from 42 degrees to 25 in a matter of minutes. Sightings of the owners daughter playing in her room have been seen as well as the husband on the front porch.

6 Must-Visit Haunted Places in My Home State: Nevada
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