People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things

If we like it or not people judge us right from the start we meet them and we do the same. We wanna know how this person is, what they represent, if we they are friendly and if we can trust them.

We need it to decide if we want to go further with them. Do we want to pursue a relationship, a friendship or any other kind of relationship.

Things people are using for that are the following:

1. Handwriting

People judge your personality on these things

Your handwriting can tell you certain things about yourself. Someone with a small handwriting is more likely shy, meticulous and studious.

How you hold your pen can say also something about a person, do you take things more serious then you put more pressure on the pen but someone who holds it more lightly is probably empathetic and more sensitive.

2. Your color

People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things

The color you often shoes to wear can say something who you are according to an article on Psychology Today. People who choose black are sensitive, artictic and attentive to details.

3. Biting your nails

People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things

How you react bodily on certain situations say something about who you are. Biting nails, playing with your hair, tikking with your feet or fingers…..

For example someone biting nails tends to be a perfectionist and nervous.

4. Shoes

People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things

According to Omri Gillath from the University of Kansas, just by examining the cost, style, color and condition of the shoe, you can be able to guess about 90% of the owner’s personal characteristic such as his or her income, political affiliation, gender, and even age.

5. Eyes

People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things

You probably already know the saying “Your eyes are the mirror to your soul”, so it isn’t a surprise that this is one of the seven things.

6. Your punctuality

People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things

Are you too early, right on time or too late it says certainly something about yourself.

7. Your handshake

People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things

That your handshake is an important instrument to determine how someone is isn’t a surprise neither. A strong handshake, a weak handshake or maybe a sweaty one it gives the other person an impression of who you are.

Now we know this we can have influence on how people see us.

People Judge Your Personality on These 7 Things
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