Ugly Guys and Gals: Let's Join the "We Are Ugly" Club!

Ugly Guys and Gals: Let's Join the

Are you disappointed that no one finds you handsome?

Do you feel like you are constantly overshadowed by beautiful people?

Well, come join the "We Are Ugly" Club! It's the club for Ugly People like you!

In this club, we do fun activities, such as:

- rating our appearance (the uglier, the better!)

- working on our personalities as a way to compensate our ugliness (we may be unattractive physically, but that doesn't mean we're unattractive socially or spiritually)

- supporting each other to live healthy, robust lives (our health is more precious than vanity, and healthy living is something to strive for, regardless of whatever people say about our physical appearance or personal preferences)

- accepting our ugliness as a part of us (we, ugly people, believe that perceptions of beauty rely on cultural values; we are just defined by our inability or refusal to accept cultural practices relating to beauty, and as long as we do our own thing and not hurt other people, there really is no harm in being ugly; by accepting our ugliness, we accept our true selves.)

Ugly Guys and Gals: Let's Join the "We Are Ugly" Club!

Ugly Guys and Gals: Let's Join the "We Are Ugly" Club!
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