Coping With Your Anger, Post Trump

Coping With Your Anger, Post Trump

Most of us have no doubt seen the fighting in the streets that has occurred in a Post Trump Presidency America. Many American's are understandably very upset because they feel as if all they are as persons has been attacked and they feel as though they are now living in a world where they no longer have a valued place in society because of the many actions and comments of the new president elect throughout his campaign.

You have a right to be upset, however, fighting in the streets, beating people up, instigating fights with police is not the way. You cannot promote love for one another by turning your anger and frustration into violence. That is not going to prompt people to listen to the reasons behind your anger. It's not going to inspire people to back your cause. It's certainly not going to do anything to remove Trump from the White House.

Coping With Your Anger, Post Trump

If you are angry, it's time to really understand the reasons behind that anger. If you feel disenfranchised, put upon, left behind, hated, or whatever you feel, channel that into things that will help you and your cause. There are so many organizations, political, community based, online, etc. that need your help to help further your own causes. Join them. Work with them. Be a part of the solution, and not the problem. So many people are unfortunately angry now, when they have stood by for so long, and not made any attempts to do anything about the problems they know exist. Now is the time to realize that it all starts with being an active member of your community and reaching out to people who don't understand the problems you face and getting them to understand and work with you to help solve them in a meaningful and lasting way.

Violence is not the answer. It just isn't. If you wouldn't want it done to you, you shouldn't do it to others. Talk to people. Just like you, they may not listen, but all we can do in this world is try to educate people on what it is we feel is right and important. Putting a fist through someone's face, isn't going to do that; it wouldn't do that for you. Put the work in. Channel your anger into positive energy by helping work with groups that do fight injustice, violence, hatred, bigotry, who fight for minority and women's rights.

Coping With Your Anger, Post Trump
6 Opinion