How I gained confidence!

First and foremost I prayed to God about it (i'm Christian), but i'm not going to elaborate on this because everyone is entitled to their own opinions and ideas and i'm not trying to convert anybody.

How I gained confidence!

Another thing that helped me a lot was realizing that we only have one life so why let people dictate your life and determine what you are. Each and everyone of us have our own lives so live for you and nobody else. Don't waste your time on people who are trying to downgrade you because if you were to die today that person and their opinion shouldn't have been the last thing on your mind.

How I gained confidence!

Last but not least, believe in yourself! If you don't who will. You're beautiful no matter what anyone says. Because true beauty is not what's on the outside but instead comes from the inside.

How I gained confidence!

We are all battling with our own personal issues.

How I gained confidence!

My first Mytake!

How I gained confidence!
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