Reach Your Potential!

Reach for the Stars Even If You End Up On the Moon

This video has a fantastic message; it may be catered towards women, but anyone can take this advice! If you want something, if you want to get ahead, you have fight for it.

A Little Bit of Equals,
A Little Bit of Mentoring
and A Little Bit of Being Mentored

The law of the 33%. If you want to get somewhere in life the blueprint is probably already made for you. You borrow the bueprint from others and you hand it down.

Fail! Because Only Through Failure
Will You Find Success

No one who has ever done anything big in their life without having failed a million and one times. Failure and Success go together. Failure teaches you want not to do, it teaches you how to be successful.

And Lastly Remember These 8 Traits of Successful People

  1. Passionate

  2. Hardworking

  3. Persistant

  4. Focused

  5. Going beyond your comfort zone

  6. Serving

  7. Creative/innovative

  8. Constantly improving

BONUS for Science People!

You can also use this even if you're not in science.

  1. High expectations for yourself

  2. Have a community

  3. Find mentors in relevant fields and participate with them in their work

  4. Give attention, time and involving yourself in your studies

Reach Your Potential!
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