Guys, where do you fit on the male social hierarchy? Girls, which 'type' of male do you find most attractive out of these?

Guys, where do you fit on the male social hierarchy? Girls, which 'type' of male do you find most attractive out of these?

Sigma σ+
Essentially an introverted Alpha+. Live outside the fringes of the social hierarchy and generally distance themselves as a whole, while still being completely confident and capable, often finding an odd sexual success due to their air of mystery and constant dedication towards goals. They are keenly aware of social dynamics, and apply themselves to fit almost any group. Not part of a clique, contributing to many and then receding back into themselves. Often fill up every moment of their life with productivity. "The Lone Wolf"
e. g. Clint Eastwood

Sigma σ-
Just like the Sigma σ+, they are keenly aware of social dynamics and incredibly charismatic while remaining withdrawn. However, they may still place a sense of occasional need for verification from societal hierarchy because their rejection of society is not based in true distaste for dominance, and will often find themselves drifting back into an Alpha mindset. They are incredibly manipulative and an affront to Alpha Male positions on a constant basis. The "Bad Boy".
e. g. Tyler Durden

Original Concept by Vox
Alpha +/-
Beta +/-
Gamma +/-
Delta +/-
Omega +/-
Sigma +/-
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Guys, where do you fit on the male social hierarchy? Girls, which 'type' of male do you find most attractive out of these?
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