20 Relationship Phrases, Quotes and Thoughts That We Should Take To Heart

1. It was the right person, it wouldn't be the wrong time. This in reply to someone saying "look, he/she was lovely and sweet, etc. but it just wasn't a good time."

2. You won't need to rise above it if you're already above it. This starts with your confidence and your emotional intelligence.

20 Relationship Phrases, Quotes and Thoughts That We Should Take To Heart

3. Calling a pre-nup a premonition of a quick divorce is like calling car insurance a premonition of a quick crash. They are both precautions and yet we only overly scrutinize one of them.

4. As long as you always seek the greener grass, your search will never be over. I don't condone settling and it is very important that you have your needs (non-negotiable traits that you must have in a partner and a relationship to be happy). But, some people search and even when they find gold, they go searching for more.

5. Calling a man shallow because he will not date someone that he does not find attractive is like calling a woman a gold digger for wanting a man who is ambitious. Translation: One cannot invent chemistry, they like what they like.

6. We hear with our ears and we listen with our head and our heart. How often are you really listening?

7. Haters will see you walk on water and then say it's because you can't swim. Don't let these people bring you down to their level. Eventually, they'll drown in their own pool of jealousy.

8. Don't chase someone that doesn't want to be chased. You want an equal and authentic relationship, right?

9. Healthy emotions do not own us, we own them. Take control of your emotional intelligence. Your head and your heart will thank you for it.

10. Don't ever let them get away with F for eFFort and an A for chArismA. Too many times, we allow someone to give little effort or reciprocation because we got lost in their charisma.

11. We have two ears and only one mouth. So why are we more inclined to talk than to listen?

12. As long as you are focusing on the judgments of others, you are focusing less on yourself.

13. You are only misled for as long as you allow them to lead you. You can't always control how people treat you but you can control how long you let them treat you that way.

14. We teach people how to treat us by virtue of what we expect and what we accept. If we accept less than what we expect, we are teaching them that it is okay.

15. Waiting is weighting. Don't wait around for someone to make up their mind about you. The weight on your head and heart will hurt you and you never know how long you'll be waiting.

16. Compliments are meaningless if they are not complemented by respect.

17. Give and let give! I often struggle with being on the receiving end of kindness. Until I remember the feeling I get when others receive mine.

18. Don't cling to the one that put you on a pedestal. Find the one that wants to share it with you.

19. Love isn't something that you're in, it's something that you do! Feelings are honey sweet. Words are the bees knees. Actions are the bees knees and the wings.

20. And finally, one just for fun: Isn't the term mood swings misleading? It's not as though their moods ever swing to the positive!

20 Relationship Phrases, Quotes and Thoughts That We Should Take To Heart
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