My boyfriend doesn't brush his teeth for days. I asked him to brush his teeth and he refused. Turned into a little argument help?

My boyfriend is well-known to be a bad listener. He is very stubborn and his ego is #1. I hate to say this but he has poor hygiene. I am not being crazy or overboard at all.

He brushes his teeth around once a week. Sometimes, not even. When he has work, he sometimes brushes his teeth in the morning. Sometimes, he only uses mouth wash. At night, never. He has been off work and has been brushing his teeth maximum once a week (morning). Pretty gross. Disgusting.

I just told him to please brush your teeth. I even told him it's digsuting and it's a turn off. He still refused to brush his teeth and used the mouth wash only. I had to nag him multiple times and made him brush his teeth. He got annoyed. Like really? I shouldn't have the need to do that. He himself should know it is really digusting. The fact that I told him it's a turn off... and he still refused to brush his teeth. He ended up brushing his teeth after nagging him for 10 minutes. No jokes.

He obviously got annoyed but i didn't care about that. I can't kiss or sleep next to someone who haven't brush his teeth for days. I had to tell him that don't blame me for being annoying, you should have known better. It's a big turn off! The biggest turn off is how I told him to brush his teeth, he refused even i told him it's a turn off, and I had to nag him for 10 minutes. The whole situation is just a huge turn off for me. In the end, I told him he should of known better.
Yes, really disgusting
No, it is bearable
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My boyfriend doesn't brush his teeth for days. I asked him to brush his teeth and he refused. Turned into a little argument help?
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