The Truth About Getting Four Wives in Islam!


First of all, I want to say that it is not right to just take a verse from the whole book and comment about it. We must consider the whole content and the time that it was written.

It is not a command

It is a limit! When this verse of Quran were brought by angels, polygamy was common around the World. Both men and women were marrying more than one person. There was no limitation about that. Men would have 8-10 wives just like women.

Islam limited it

While polygamy was a common thing in many religions, islam limited the number. After islam, some things in Arabian Peninsula are changed and some are banned. For example, burying girls alive was banned.

And there have been some changes about polygamy.

Before islam, it was normal for both men and women to have as many partner as they want. And islam didn’t create all that 4 wives stuff, it limited the number.

Now, you may think that why it didn’t let women to have the most 4 partners. It is because women give birth and if islam lets such a thing the father of the child will be unknown. Can you imagine a child who knows who is his mother but doesn’t know who is his father? It would be really strange. We are talking about the times that there wasn’t a test to learn it.

Now you may think that why islam didn’t tell to marry only one woman! Because at that time the number of the women were a lot more than the number of men. If islam would tell to marry only one then people would divorce the rest and there would be so many women alone. There would be no balance. Polygamy has been changed according to the society at that time.

So islam neither commanded it nor adviced it

The Truth About  Getting Four Wives in Islam!

It just allowed 4 wives! When you think about it you will see that the number decreased till now.

You need your wive’s permition

Hz. Fatima(daughter of prophet Mohammed) said that she will object to that if her husband wants to.

We can also see that it is allowed only if the wife permits.

But there are still some people who exploit that and marry with 4 women without the permission of their wife, and saying that’s what islam says. You got it wrong man!

The Truth About Getting Four Wives in Islam!
19 Opinion