
Search Results: why girls bad guys

Why do bad guys like good girls?

I'm a good girl - and I always seem to attract the bad guys. Why is that so? I don't go for them. I'm innocent, a virgin, shy and pretty quiet. Why do bad guys find that so hot?
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Girls: Why the "bad guys?" Seriously...

Girls openly admit that they NEED a nice guy, but they WANT a bad boy... Even if they always break their hearts. But why do you want a bad boy? What do they do for you exactly? I mean its cool to be dating some...
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Why Girls 'Friendzone' Guys

The friendzone. A term that has become popular in recent years. I personally see it all over my media sites, and I normally see guys talking about being friendzoned by a girl that they were perusing. Now, as a girl, I...

Girls, why do bad guys always win when it comes to getting friends with benefits?

I have never had a friends with benefits situation, but have a lot of women as friends who complain non stop about some dude who treated them wrong even though they "weren't together," or were "just chilling." I've...
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3 Top Reasons Why Girls Friendzone Guys

1) No Mutual Attraction It's that simple, gentlemen. We see nothing in you that sweeps us off our feet or makes us want to sit on top of your face during heated bedroom moments. It's just not there and as much as we...

Why are good guys targeted as being these "awful guys?"

I hear how good guys are "in reality... spineless, wimpy, manipulative jerks, etc." I've heard it all. or how girls seem to think good guys are just another threatening guy that is out to get them, when they end up going...
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Girls, Nice guys or bad boys?

So I know there's a bunch of questions on this topic but I really want to know more about this and why some girls like them good and why some girls like them bad. I'll start off with the nice guys, what is it about these...
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Why do many guys have a bad opinion about girls lifting yet at the same time they don't like stuff like cellulite, saggy and shapeless butts/boobs?

As people age their muscles get weaker, so things start to get saggy and shapeless if the person doesn't do anything to keep the muscles working. And just doing some cardio won't help, it won't keep your muscles strong...
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Why is it some guys always complain about women only wanting bad guys, when they stick around the 'mean girls' just because they're hot?

I've seen this so many times and it's funny to me that guys just don't see this double standard. Women being sad because they complain about bad boys (even if it's a small percentage), but guys not being sad because they...
I've seen this so many times and it's funny to me that guys just don't see this double standard. Women being sad because they complain about bad boys (even if it's a small percentage), Show More
Because they don't see it that way. They think that's a normal lifestyle.
Because they don't want to admit it to themselves.
Because they like feeling like crap about themselves because they love complaining.
Because they genuinely don't see it.
Because they think they can get sex easier with a mean girl?
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
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Why do "bad boys" like "good girls"?

I am a more introverted girl. I like art and literature and conversation with close friends but the guys that tend to try to pursue are always the opposite of me. To make it more simple, I'm a "good girl" and these guys...
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Why do some guys have bad hygiene?

Why don't guys take care of their hygiene and looks like girls do? Is it that they don't care or are not aware that they are gross? I'm not saying ALL THE GUYS, don't get me wrong, but MOST guys from where I am are like...
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Why do most guys assume girls are bad drivers?

Like I get some girls are but not all. I personally don’t drive like guys think girls drive. I’ve never been in a car accident and I’ve never gotten a ticket or been pulled over. I can parallel park perfectly on the first...
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Why is there a stereotype for girls liking bad guys but no one talks about guys liking bad girls?

i think its because there are more bad guys than bad girls in the world.
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How do girls find guys that actually want to date them & get to know them? are they just lucky?

Maybe I've just had bad luck, but I've noticed that I've always struggled to get guys to maintain long-term contact with me or want to be friends with me. The guys I've met always seem to only want me for sex, and...
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Why are you guys so bad texters?

Almost all girls suffer from guys that are bad texters. At this moment I'm suffering from one. He is a really bad texter, but if don't text him he complaints about it... Why are you guys like that?
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Why do guys treat good girls bad?

They will do everything he asks of her and he still treats her bad. Why does this tend to happen and why don't guys have mercy for these girls?
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(Nice guy turns into bad guy) Why should I continue being a nice guy if nice guys just get walked all over? Am I mistaken?

I may be mistaken. So I am inherently a good person so I am nice to women I date but end up getting taken advantage of. I came to a conclusion that you have to talk down on women and be an asshole to let her know you have...
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Why does this guy stare at me but doesn't approach me?

Okay so we need a little storytime. Our first interaction was when i was with my girl friend, we were sitting and he just happened to pass by : he asked us how we were... then , after that I saw him several times ,...
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Why do most guys hate the "friend zone" so much?

Why do most guys hate the “friend zone” so much? The friend zone means something different to women. It is a good place to be in. Yes, in most cases it does not lead anywhere other than just staying in the friend zone,...
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Why don't guys like skinny girls anymore?

why don't guys seem to like skinny girls anymore? I'm 17 and I'm skinny but I'm not up myself, I'm easy going and I don't judge other people, and I'm very smart. but people always seem to think that skinny girls a bitches...
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