3 Top Reasons Why Girls Friendzone Guys


1) No Mutual Attraction
3 Top Reasons Why Girls Friendzone Guys

It's that simple, gentlemen. We see nothing in you that sweeps us off our feet or makes us want to sit on top of your face during heated bedroom moments. It's just not there and as much as we sometimes try to force it (Ladies NEVER pity-date a guy!) the attraction is not there. But it's nothing personal because at the end of it all we do wish you the best. One woman's opinion of you does not by any chance make you less worthy. Trust me..

2) It could work.. in the future...
3 Top Reasons Why Girls Friendzone Guys

Okay so this type of friendzone is where the girl is actually considering the guy friend who is trying to get out of the friendzone due to desirable traits she can actually work with. BUT the timing could be really awkward and therefore she places you on hold, hoping that it will somehow work itself out in the future. The guys in this category are normally genuine guys who are actually fit to be a future husband.

Us girls see this but some of us don't snatch you up quick because we need to find ourselves or we feel that we need to hoe around a little before settling down with the best man. Guys, if you're placed on hold please don't wait too long. As much as we would love to end up with some of you, at the end of the day it wouldn't be fair on you to wait up on something that could possibly take half your lifetime. Just move on and if it's meant to be, it will definitely happen in time. On behalf of us girls, thank you for being the Hero we've never had.

3) Wolf in sheeps clothing....

3 Top Reasons Why Girls Friendzone Guys
Last but not least...the third reason why a girl friend-zones a guy is because we see right through him. Listen, we girls know fake when we see it especially when it comes to the males. Our woman intuition is on POINT. Some of you may be wondering, "Bitch if your woman intuition is on point why do girls go after bad guys?" Here's the thing, and what I'm about to tell you sounds really retarded:

BUT us girls know that Mr. Bad Guy is actually a bad guy. Heck we smell that shit from afar but we go after him because we are IN DENIAL. There, I said it. We KNOW he is wrong for us. We KNOW he is going to hurt us before he even introduces himself but we don't listen to our God-gifted woman intuition because we're denial and then fool ourselves into thinking that we can change him and mold him into the man of our dreams, and when our intuition becomes a reality we get heartbroken over shit we knew was gonna happen.

We are prophetic when it comes to men but we just don't listen. Anyways, going back to wolf dressed in sheep's clothing, what I mean is that sometimes you get guys who act like Mr Nice guy but in reality all of that bullshit is exactly that: BULLSHIT. We are aware of your innovative ways of trying to get into my new pair of panties and therefore we kick you to the friendzone where we can tame you a little. We see you. We know your stories. And we're definitely not riding with you.

There you have it! 3 possible reasons why girls friendzone guys. Hate it or Love it. It is what it is. Just do me a favour and guard your damn heart! Deuces ✌

3 Top Reasons Why Girls Friendzone Guys
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