My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

This is Christopher McCandless.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

He was born in the USA in 1968 and he was showing his anti-conformistic tendencies since he was a little kid. Although he was raised in a wealthy house and studied in a nice Universtity, it didn't took long for him to get sick of this empty materialism dominating his fellow Americans. When he was 24 years old, being so sick of the consumerism of the American society, Christopher did what every logic human would NEVER DO, even if he was threatened to get his penis chopped off. He decided to leave the urban life forever and live in the nature to ''find himself''. He sold all his stuff and in April of 1992 he went alone to Alaska. All the nature...without compass or map...IN ALASKA!

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

While he was there, he noted all his experiences in a touching diary. His touching story was immortalized in the book ''Into the Wild'' in 1996, which in 2007 became a movie as well.

In the end, the wildlife in Alaska was too wild for Chris McCandless. After surviving for three months, trying to live of the land, he gave in to the cold and suffering in August 1992. His decomposing body was discovered one month later by a hunter, in the abandoned bus, Chris McCandless was using for shelter.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

AND I'M GLAD THIS HAPPENED! Congratulations Mr.McCandless for killing yourself! You did a great favor to the world by removing your stupidity from the human gene pool! The average IQ score of humanity rose 5 points the moment you died like a cockroach! To hell with you and all stupid hippies having the same ideas with you!

For fucks sake! Every time a lunatic takes the decision to become a hermit, people pretend to be touched by his decision. If I spend 2-3 months in my house playing War Thunder, I'm anti-social and isolated. But when Christpher McCandless (everyone applause) leaves his house and goes to Alaska to live there for three months, he is ''independent, dynamic and tries to find himself.'' Every spoiled kid, wanna be philosopher, states his frustration about consumerism and just like this he throws away Western civilisation, which brought him in this world, raised him and gave him the liberty and luxury to question Western civilisation itself! And everyone else, instead of executing this person for high treason, begins to romantize his story and dedicate touching books and movies about him!

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

First of you dead moron, you're sick of Western civilisation and you want to go away for a while. Alright. Take it easy! You can start by deactivating your account on World of Warcraft and make a nice backpack trip. Next year you can take some survival skills lessons, practice them on the closest mountain in your area and then you may go for something harder. But no! The dude thought he can become Bear Grylls in just one week! Until yesterday, mama was cleaning for him, cooking for him and wiping his ass, but now he wants to live with the animals. And he didn't go to some river, surrounded by fruitfull trees. He was a MAN! He went to Alaska to live like a bear! Well done idiot! Next year you can try a camping trip in Mordor.

Just like every hippie, he thought that in nature everything is peaceful, harmonic and only humans are barbarians who kill off poor animals. Not a surprise, having such thoughts about nature when you're that stupid and you believe that ''Bambi'' is a BBC documentary, but let me tell you some things that happen in nature when the camera is not recording:

In nature, male dolphins form up gangs and gang rape every female dolphin they find.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

In nature, herds of chimpanzees are attacking other herds and cannibalize their babies.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

In nature, orca whales don't eat their prey immedietly. They like to beat it to death first.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

In nature, 9 out of 10 animals die during their teens.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

WOW! That's what I call harmony! Even if you had no idea about these facts, you definitely have heard about lots of other things that should shake your opinion about a harmonic nature a little bit!

Second off, what you call ''Life in nature'' is exactly this:

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

Stupidity in your head. Life in nature doesn't mean just to go away from the city and walk alone from one frozen lake to the other. The Alaskan tundra is not a place for humans. You have no furr or enough fat to keep yourself warm and your skin eccrites sweat to keep you cool when it's hot. Is it that difficult to realise that you can't live in Alaska,you stupid, retarded hippie??? Also, humans are born with social insticts, no matter what this is. Why the hell do you think we are like this? To communicate with some shark or bear? You're not a tiger, or shark, or spider! You're a human! You're meant to live in a ''herd''! Which means that if you wanted a natural life, you should have gone to a forest, or the African savanna, to live with your ''cousins''.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

Let's say that you follow all these instructions, living a natural life. So what? What have you achieved? Let me guess...a healthy life with a natural healthy diet. Sure, but what's also natural is a cobra's poison, pestilence, the Tsunami which destroyed Sri Lanka and many other things.

Third off, you left your civilisation to get away from the empty materialistic society you were in. What exactly do you think life in nature is? You must fetch some water, search for food, search for materials to make clothes or tools/weapons, built a shelter. In other words, from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep, you must occupy yourself with essential material needs! You thought you'll have some spare time to read your poetry, right? In nature, if you're not an empty headed materialistic animal, you die! Get it?

So, congrats to Christopher McCandless and congrats to you, modern hippie, trying to follow his footsteps. In an attempt to get rid of the demon of materialism, you end up alone in nature, a slave of your materialistic needs, that even Paris Hilton would envy you. So suck it!

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.

My take on hippies, hermits and all these useful idiots.
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