My Thoughts On Anorexia

My Thoughts On Anorexia

The perfect body.

How far are young girls willing to go to achieve the perfect body? Well, according to American studies some are willing to die just to fit the ideal standard. All around the world girls are pressured to have a flawless body, and look perfect at all times like a Barbie. You see it on television shows, TV Ads, billboards, even in magazines women are bombarded with unrealistic images on how they should look. This is extremely harmful to young women and causes them to take a dangerous path to obtain this look.

Some women starve themselves and refuse to eat, others vomit their guts out and exercise daily without having the proper nutrition. Some girls take laxatives so they can have explosive diarrhea, while others force themselves to become walking skeletons.

Anorexia nervosa can destroy lives and turn into a deadly obsession for most people living with it. This is not only a physical disorder, but a psychological one as well that can leave life long damage on a individual.

But we as people can change this fate if we all work together. So therapy, counseling and family support is greatly needed. Group therapy for anorexics is also very helpful because it helps the victims talk about their experiences, and know that they are not alone. Doctors could prescribe medication and make food plans for them too.

Another great tip for helping anorexics, is monitoring what they eat. making sure they're getting all the calories and nutriments they need and telling them they don't have to be a size zero to be beautiful.

Doing all this we are paving the way for less death and a better future.

My Thoughts On Anorexia
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