Do you usually root for the hero or the villain?

Often times, when I'm watching a film/TV show or reading a book, I find myself rooting more for the villain than for the hero (or anti-hero). I'm not exactly sure why that is, maybe it's just that I usually find the villains more interesting, their characters are usually more fun and playful (sadistically playful, of course). I don't always necessarily identify with the villains (sometimes I do), but I do feel a cathartic release when watching them do their thing.

When you're watching a film or a TV show, or maybe reading a story or novel, who do you find yourself rooting for more often?

>> The hero -or- the villain? <<

Why do you think that is? Catharsis? Character development? Your own character traits/flaws?

What are your thoughts on this?
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Do you usually root for the hero or the villain?
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